Thursday, June 19, 2008

I Wish A Child I Knew Would......

I posted this video for a reason. What would you do if it were your child? I don't even have to say it. Let's just say I might have been the one being carried away in handcuffs. Listen to the way he is speaking. Do you think that the parent/s have been using discipline on this child on a regular? Let me know....


tiltedhalo said...

I guess the baby is keeping you tied down...I've been checking for an update from you everyday since you posted pics of the baby. How is everything? Update a sistah!

Phat Gurl Love said...

Yes he has! Everything is great, I wouldn't trade it for nothing. When are you gonna start bloggin?

tiltedhalo said...

I comment on so many blogs and so many people ask me when I'm going to start a blog. I do have a blog on wordpress but it's my mommy blog - just for me because it's mainly about my son - I have it password protected because I'm freaky about just anyone reading about my son and viewing his pics. I've been thinking about starting a "me" blog where I talk about anything, but don't know if I have the dedication to keep up with it. I'm thinking more and more about doing one though.