Remember when you were younger ladies ~ahem~ and some gentleman...when you fantasized about how you wanted your dream boyfriend and/or husband. Boy...I just knew I was gonna have the man with the most swagger and foine as heck. So foine I would be pregnant every year kind of foine. LOL So yeah..I'm married...Maybe I could sound a little more excited than that...."I's Married Now!" ~Color Purple Style~ I love my husband don't get me wrong. It's just that every now and then I wonder. What in the hell was I thinking. I know I am not the only one...come on now anybody? Hello-o-o-o-o, I see how ya'll do. Well I just wish that sometimes I can catch him looking like this....

You know, something... take the time to workout.. make himself look good and fit ya'll know what I mean like this.....
I mean you know what we say...we want him to look at us as if he could make us all melt...

That would really, really make my day. You know sometimes when we get ready to go to church or go to a CLASSY night on the town, I would like for him to do a lil of this........

Meet me in the bedroom looking like this...
Do me like a thug would do me......

Can I just get a 

you know...some of those things would be reallllllllllll lovely...don't you agree?
PS. He can also be able to sing like Lil G-Silk, Charlie Wilson-Enuff Said, Be able to tell a few jokes to keep me laffin, and be a great help. Drive a nice car...paid for...780 credit score, and just be loveable and clean. LOL
Lawd, you don't ask for much. LMAO I love the way you write, you write really well. Couldn't you just have included a pic of Diddy's suit and not him wearing the suit - he's so...yuck! LOL Diddy is what he's going by now, isn't it? Don't make no dayum sense with all those name changes!
It really doesn't. He needs to be called "A Baby Daddy." Poor Kim, she needs her azz kicked. She could do so much better. LOL
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