Friday, September 11, 2009

~On The Air~

Phatgurllove Radio is coming soon! We will talk about all issues related to being Obese and Overweight. I will speak to BBW's and BHM's. We will discuss their experiences and how it has shaped their life. Dating, children, employment, and socialization are all affected when overweight. I will be playing the best of Old School, R&B, Hip-Hop, and Neo-soul radio. I am so excited about this. This has been a long time coming! There will also be an open mic session on a weeknight. (TBD) There will also be a Poem of the day related to the show topic. Sometimes there will be a co-host! I look forward to hearing from you. Please be ready to call in and share or chat with us! Below is some information that I found quite disturbing.....

FYI: Obesity by Race and Ethnicity

New Obesity Data Shows Blacks Have the Highest Rates of Obesity

Blacks had 51 percent higher prevalence of obesity, and Hispanics had 21 percent higher obesity prevalence compared with whites. (2006-2008)

Greater prevalences of obesity for blacks and whites were found in the South and Midwest than in the West and Northeast. Hispanics in the Northeast had lower obesity prevalence than Hispanics in the Midwest, South or West.

Retrieved from here...

We need to do something and fast! We have a generation of children out there that need us and we must set an example for them by being able to be healthy and eat right so we can grow old with our children. Lead by example! Want to get started early? Go here and view some nice simple and HEALTHY recipes. If you know of any other sites, please leave them in the comment section and I will be sure to provide you with my review of the site and give them a shout out when on the air! Thanks to any new subscribers and thank you to the ones that have been hanging on! Your walk with me is greatly appreciated!

2008 State Obesity Rates

State % State % State % State %
Alabama 31.4 Illinois 26.4 Montana 23.9 Rhode Island 21.5
Alaska 26.1 Indiana 26.3 Nebraska 26.6 South Carolina 30.1
Arizona 24.8 Iowa 26.0 Nevada 25.0 South Dakota 27.5
Arkansas 28.7 Kansas 27.4 New Hampshire 24.0 Tennessee 30.6
California 23.7 Kentucky 29.8 New Jersey 22.9 Texas 28.3
Colorado 18.5 Louisiana 28.3 New Mexico 25.2 Utah 22.5
Connecticut 21.0 Maine 25.2 New York 24.4 Vermont 22.7
Delaware 27.0 Maryland 26.0 North Carolina 29.0 Virginia 25.0
Washington DC 21.8 Massachusetts 20.9 North Dakota 27.1 Washington 25.4
Florida 24.4 Michigan 28.9 Ohio 28.7 West Virginia 31.2
Georgia 27.3 Minnesota 24.3 Oklahoma 30.3 Wisconsin 25.4
Hawaii 22.6 Mississippi 32.8 Oregon 24.2 Wyoming 24.6
Idaho 24.5 Missouri 28.5 Pennsylvania 27.7