You know, there are alot of people that actually want to see you fail. They take pride in things not going your way. These people are known as haters. They are always negative whether it be direct or indirect. What you must remember is that these people have existed forever. Be careful who you choose to associate yourself with. Everyone isn't always your friend. These types of individuals can drain you emotionally and that can affect you physically. Take it from me, I know. As you move forward in your transition whether it be weight loss, a new career choice, or even a new hairdo, someone is going to talk about it and you. You must stay grounded and remain true to yourself. You are responsible for your success not anyone else. The choices you choose to make are your own and no one else has to live with your decisions but you. With that being said. I am still writing and I have a lot going on with PGL Productions. (Ya like that huh?) I am making myself an open vessel. I am open for all ideas and suggestions. Anything you don't like? Feel free to comment and I will let you know my honest opinion. Then I in turn will tell you what I think about yours.
Well said!
Thanks for commenting Abbi! It's tha truf! =)If you're not following, please do!
for the buttons go to addthis.com you'll find it in their tool box and thnx for the compliment.
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