You know, in this day and time we should try to do more, do better, work to uplift and protect our young children. This is why mentors are needed, this is why teachers are needed, this is why YOU are needed to help PROTECT our children. This could've been one of your relatives. For those that turn your back and say "It doesn't affect me..." Take a good look at your child or young adult relative, be it male or female, even take a good look in the mirror. It does.....affect you! US! Need a mentor or help? Ask for it!~Phatgurllove~
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
~We have got to do better~
Monday, September 28, 2009
~Being Fullfigured~
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Well needless to say I had a helluva hard time on last Wednesday setting up Phatgurllove Radio. Technical Difficulties out tha wahzoo and I was so disappointed. So with that being said...~~PHATGURLLOVE RADIO~~ DEBUT ON WEDNESDAY 9/30/09! I will be on this time! I promise! I have so much I want to talk about and hopefully you will be there to listen or participate in the chat room and I will shout ya'll out on the air. The same thing still applies: I will also provide you with great music and spoken word to keep you very well entertained. If want to recite your poetry or you just want to say hello, don't hesitate to call. The number is: (347) 855-8245! I look forward to hearing from you! Don't hesitate to send me an email also: and let me know how you feel about the show!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Not Necessary

doesn't want a relationship; even though I thought we were getting married. So that's why I
gotta dip down to the clinic, you know take the scenic- route so I won't think about having any
doubts about what I'm gonna do. Mama gotta live too. Changing diapers and tying little shoes
just ain't my thang. But that thang it's what’s got me going here in the first place. Thinking about
that little face. Will he or she look like me or their raggedy ass daddy? Nope not gonna think
about it. I'm tired of being sick. Already throwing up, it's not even been 4 months yet. I wonder
what my momma would say. She had me anyway and look how I turned out, don't want another
mouth- to feed taking care of others needs. I got just enough for me. No more talk about that, I
don't feel like getting fat I'm trying to maintain my figure. Doing all of this just for some “ninja.”
I don't have time for late night feedings, and rocking this child to sleep I'm not down for that
either, every day of the week. But I do remember the times my mother held me and told me it
would be ok, I would enjoy those hugs and kisses then go right back outside and play. Did I feel a
flutter? I didn't feel nothing, that's just my imagination. I can't imagine making room for a
changing station. I need time for myself Im still young. I won’t have time to have fun. Do I want
a daughter or a son? I gotta go to work, gotta go to school. When am I gonna have time to do
what I wanna do when I got you? Naw'll unh-uh it ain't gone be me walking around talking
about my baby daddy. I gotta get this done. I hate to go that route it will be my 3rd one. I don't
know what to say I can't picture me walking around with a baby. Preventing me from dating and
having a good time. Just to sit at home and listen to them whine. Not just ain't gone work
. Walking around here gotta miss work for dr's appointments and taking pre-natal vitamins. Not
getting hit on by so many fine men, because of the shape I’m in…naw'll uh-uh it ain't gone be
me...I’m not pushing a stroller up the street. Worrying about loose teeth, making sure their little
hair and clothes are neat....maybe one day when I'm sure. I’ll be more mature and will be able to
endure the pain of labor and be more stable and in a better relationship with a better man-who
will do all they can for us and so that we'll have enough, so our life wont be as rough. I know I
need to be tough. I just can't right now. I don't know how. I can't do it you see, I can't have a
Not right now it just ain't necessary.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Got Poetry? Win $500.00***UPDATE***

Breathe to Think is giving away $500.00 to the choosen Poet. It's easy...sell 5
advance tickets @ $8 a non-refundable $10.00 registration
fee....perform at each event scheduled (5). and at the end of the 5th
show...somebody will walk away with $500.00. Think about it...the cover charge is
$10.00...nothing to lose and $$$ to gain! Complete the online registration form.
(located in BTT blogs) Email form to Don't forget to
request a time to pick up your tickets and turn in required fees and pick up your
Posted by Phat Gurl Love at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Family, Kids, Credit, Career
Monday, September 14, 2009
What I've been waiting for.......

Friday, September 11, 2009
~On The Air~

Phatgurllove Radio is coming soon! We will talk about all issues related to being Obese and Overweight. I will speak to BBW's and BHM's. We will discuss their experiences and how it has shaped their life. Dating, children, employment, and socialization are all affected when overweight. I will be playing the best of Old School, R&B, Hip-Hop, and Neo-soul radio. I am so excited about this. This has been a long time coming! There will also be an open mic session on a weeknight. (TBD) There will also be a Poem of the day related to the show topic. Sometimes there will be a co-host! I look forward to hearing from you. Please be ready to call in and share or chat with us! Below is some information that I found quite disturbing.....
FYI: Obesity by Race and Ethnicity
New Obesity Data Shows Blacks Have the Highest Rates of Obesity
Blacks had 51 percent higher prevalence of obesity, and Hispanics had 21 percent higher obesity prevalence compared with whites. (2006-2008)
Greater prevalences of obesity for blacks and whites were found in the South and Midwest than in the West and Northeast. Hispanics in the Northeast had lower obesity prevalence than Hispanics in the Midwest, South or West.
Retrieved from here...
We need to do something and fast! We have a generation of children out there that need us and we must set an example for them by being able to be healthy and eat right so we can grow old with our children. Lead by example! Want to get started early? Go here and view some nice simple and HEALTHY recipes. If you know of any other sites, please leave them in the comment section and I will be sure to provide you with my review of the site and give them a shout out when on the air! Thanks to any new subscribers and thank you to the ones that have been hanging on! Your walk with me is greatly appreciated!
2008 State Obesity Rates | |||||||
State | % | State | % | State | % | State | % |
Alabama | 31.4 | Illinois | 26.4 | Montana | 23.9 | Rhode Island | 21.5 |
Alaska | 26.1 | Indiana | 26.3 | Nebraska | 26.6 | South Carolina | 30.1 |
Arizona | 24.8 | Iowa | 26.0 | Nevada | 25.0 | South Dakota | 27.5 |
Arkansas | 28.7 | Kansas | 27.4 | New Hampshire | 24.0 | Tennessee | 30.6 |
California | 23.7 | Kentucky | 29.8 | New Jersey | 22.9 | Texas | 28.3 |
Colorado | 18.5 | Louisiana | 28.3 | New Mexico | 25.2 | Utah | 22.5 |
Connecticut | 21.0 | Maine | 25.2 | New York | 24.4 | Vermont | 22.7 |
Delaware | 27.0 | Maryland | 26.0 | North Carolina | 29.0 | Virginia | 25.0 |
Washington DC | 21.8 | Massachusetts | 20.9 | North Dakota | 27.1 | Washington | 25.4 |
Florida | 24.4 | Michigan | 28.9 | Ohio | 28.7 | West Virginia | 31.2 |
Georgia | 27.3 | Minnesota | 24.3 | Oklahoma | 30.3 | Wisconsin | 25.4 |
Hawaii | 22.6 | Mississippi | 32.8 | Oregon | 24.2 | Wyoming | 24.6 |
Idaho | 24.5 | Missouri | 28.5 | Pennsylvania | 27.7 |
Thursday, September 10, 2009
It's falling into place........
The second part is that I am being featured!!! I have been chosen by the Breathe to Think Owner about being a featured Poetess on September 24th! Check out the profile here! It's all coming together! I just want to say thank you for all of your continuous support! Thank you to my new subscribers for following me, again your presence is welcome! Check out my website at: and sign the guestbook!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Overcoming Obstacles

You know, there are alot of people that actually want to see you fail. They take pride in things not going your way. These people are known as haters. They are always negative whether it be direct or indirect. What you must remember is that these people have existed forever. Be careful who you choose to associate yourself with. Everyone isn't always your friend. These types of individuals can drain you emotionally and that can affect you physically. Take it from me, I know. As you move forward in your transition whether it be weight loss, a new career choice, or even a new hairdo, someone is going to talk about it and you. You must stay grounded and remain true to yourself. You are responsible for your success not anyone else. The choices you choose to make are your own and no one else has to live with your decisions but you. With that being said. I am still writing and I have a lot going on with PGL Productions. (Ya like that huh?) I am making myself an open vessel. I am open for all ideas and suggestions. Anything you don't like? Feel free to comment and I will let you know my honest opinion. Then I in turn will tell you what I think about yours.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
That tickles. What? That sound. Your voice beats against my eardrum softly as you whisper in my ear. Causing a melody in my heart.
When I first heard your voice, I wondered of course if you were the one for me.
But the strength and confidence in your voice caused the inflection in my voice to change.
I went from where are you from to where I wanna be, when you spoke those soft, sensual words to me.
Teasing my earlobe with your tongue, girls just wanna have fun. I hear what you're saying, you're talking about laying up with me?
Hmph we'll see, you were sounding intelligent at first using those big words to beat softly against my eardrum...but you know what?
I ain't getting none.
Originally Published on:
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Overcoming fear and anxiety
I must see this through. This is something that must take place and it's also something that I've been wanting to do for a long time. I have been working on about 5 pieces at once to add to the book and to perform. The only issue that I have been experiencing now is going to another event to perform. They are not on my schedule, which has also made me realize that there may be a need for a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night Spoken Word Gathering that will allow you to release all weekend and be ready to start all over again on Monday. Phatgurllove Productions Inc, Phat Cipher, Phatgurllove Jones....hmmm I think I might like that.
I have signed up for a Blog talk Radio station. Im trying to figure out what I want to do with it. I know, but I want to have all my ducks in a row first. I want to incorporate Neo-soul, R&B, and Ol Skool with some Spoken word in between from a few local artist and some that call in. That's about it. No hot topics or current events, this would be strictly music and words...vice-versa. But back to my main concern.....I have struggled so long to be accepted at times it still follows me. I accept myself and that's all that matters. The words that I write and speak come from the heart and that's all that matters. If you can relate to me then we both share a common bond through these words. If you have never been there, then take a minute to back track and catch up to where I have arrived to thus far. I am going to accomplish my goals. I am not going to fight myself for this battle. So far, I've already won. ~Phatgurllove~

Thursday, September 3, 2009
You know I had to incorporate the wouldn't be Phatabulous without it! I am being featured ya'll! My first time being fe..I mean..pheatured!~smile~ Ms. Yvette Noel, founder of UdoU clothing line is going to "feature" one of my works on her blog. I am so glad that she found my work to be inspiring! Checkout her line it's HAWT!www.udouclothing.comHere is what she had to say:
"We don't know each other but I was drawn to your words. I am now in the process of working on my blog and I wanted to know if I could feature one of your written works on my blog."
How Phatabulous is that!? I just want to say thank you to all of my subscribers, followers, stalkers or whatever your self proclaimed title is~lol Thank you for taking the time to read my work! You are appreciated!