Monday, August 24, 2009

Adding to my repertoire....

Motivational speaker maybe......hmmmmm??!! Something that has been on my mind for the last two days. It must be a part of the bigger picture. I am jotting down notes. Watch out now ya'll...Phatgurllove is expanding her skills and ready for anything! I've always wanted to mentor young kids. I believe with every fiber of my being that what I am working on right now, has something to do with that. I believe it will all work together. Also thinking about documentaries. It's so much brainstorming going on right now and I am so excited about it. This is a dream realized, everything that is happening right now and I am enjoying every minute of it.


Nicci said...

That is awesome! I think we do need African American motivational speakers. I've never really seen or known of any. follow your dreams girl.

Phat Gurl Love said...

Thanks Nicci! I haven't seen that many either and the ones I do see, seemed to have a short stint in doing the motivational speaking.